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We both service and partner with members of industry.

For clients seeking specialized mathematical, scientific, or engineering services, we provide a unique conduit to world-leading experts in a variety of areas. We can work with your team to identify opportunities, build a custom solution, and transition it into your organization's business infrastructure. Depending on your specific needs, we may complete the job ourselves or may subcontract with academics and other small businesses. Either way, you work with us as a single interface to completing your job.

In other cases, we seek capital in collaboration with our partners to develop solutions to future technology needs. These projects are often longer-term — 2–3 years is typical — but they are usually funded by external sources such as government R&D funds or external investors. This option may be ideal for clients already working in the government market, but it is open to all potential clients.

For more information about these or other options, please contact us.

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